Holger Nettbaum

  • public appointment (sworn- in expert) for the valuation of real estate by chamber of Commerce and Industry at Berlin in  2002
  • since 1992 owner and managing director of Nettbaum und Partner Architekturplanungs GmbH, Berlin
  • since 1988 activity as an independent architect in Frankfurt a. M. and Berlin
  • postgraduate studies at der School of the Art Institute with Fulbright- scholarship, Chicago, 1986
  • postgraduate studies at der University of Illinois with Fulbright- scholarship, Chicago, 1985
  • since 1985 activity as an independent architect in Chicago, U.S.A


  • since 1984 activity as an independent architect in Vienna and Berlin
  • Diploma, Master of Architecture, Vienna 1984

  • Architectural studies at the University for Applied Arts in Vienna with DAAD-scholarship
  • Architectural studies at the Technical University Braunschweig, 1977- 1980, Prediploma 1979